Tender: An evil wakes

The rabbit hole I dove into is not the rabbit hole I’m in. Darker. Deeper. Weirder. Following the discovery of a secret memo last week in Los Angeles by various discord investigators, I am learning more about this “Regent Dashboard.”

I don’t know yet the extent of the feature, aside from the fact that it is limited to an exclusive number of partners and investors close to Malcolm Chandler. One of my contacts within Tender agreed to meet me in New York on the 23rd. If you can help me and be in the city on that day, please fill out this survey.

Many pieces of the puzzle don’t make sense yet. We must keep digging.

I managed to infiltrate many low-level resources within Tender, including part of their marketing channel. Our hope and goal is to warn as many people as possible about Tender.

My decryption of project Chimera is still underway. 0750d042 was decrypted last week, and I have partially decrypted 3fd521e4. I will keep you all apprised of my progress.

Be safe. Spread the word.

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