Terra’s Chosen – Trust No More https://www.trustnomore.com Trust No More Fri, 22 Mar 2019 22:45:29 +0100 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.2 https://www.trustnomore.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-favicon-32x32.jpg Terra’s Chosen – Trust No More https://www.trustnomore.com 32 32 Human Potential: Psychic Soldiers and the CIA https://www.trustnomore.com/2019/03/09/human-potential-psychic-soldiers-and-the-cia/ Sat, 09 Mar 2019 18:34:24 +0000 https://www.trustnomore.com/?p=1461 Throughout all of human history: There have been reports of those with powers above and beyond what is considered standard human potential. Tibetan monks have found ways to change their body temperature by pure will alone. Researchers have seen test subjects that can influence their own immune systems to fight disease without traditional medicine. Even the United States Department of Defense has investigated the efficacy of psychic phenomena in combat and intelligence-gathering strategies; looking into how remote viewing and other techniques could potentially enhance our men in the field.

In that line of questioning: The Orchard, an independent film distribution company, has published a documentary by Conscious Universe Films about the CIA’s own psychic soldier program!


If the DoD and CIA is putting so much stock into learning about abilities outside the physical realm: We should keep digging at it ourselves. The government (or shadow government, for that matter) wouldn’t pour resources into a weapon that doesn’t work! If we are to defend ourselves from the powers-that-be: We need our own powers that are currently just outside of our reach!

Empower yourself.

Mankind: An Extraterrestrial Pet Project https://www.trustnomore.com/2019/02/22/mankind-an-extraterrestrial-pet-project/ Sat, 23 Feb 2019 03:22:10 +0000 https://www.trustnomore.com/?p=1500 We’ve talked about the potential that we humans have inside of us; especially knowledge and technology potentially given by our original extraterrestrial creators; but we haven’t had confirmation that genetic engineering led to the design that humanity arose from until now!


Dr. Maxim A. Makukov and Vladimir Shcherbak’s work on the Human Genome Project, so they must know what’s really going on in the upper echoelons of the scientific community! Their conclusions about our origins and what may be hidden in our genes is invaluable to finding more about what evolution really is!

When this work is published in a peer-reviewed journal like Cambridge University Press: We can finally see that our way of thinking is much more on-point than the mainstream media portrays it as. Shcherback has been writing about this hidden part of our genetic makeup for years, so he definitely knows a thing or two about how odd this phenomena is. It’s not out of the question that humanity could have been “tagged” by our designers so they can seek us out later, and he stumbled upon it.

When we have mathematical codes hidden within us that mark us as “human”: Our creation is definitely more than a random happy accident. I’ll be excited to see whoever made us return to see the beautiful results of their work!

Keep an open mind.

Mind over Matter: The Power of Acoustic Levitation https://www.trustnomore.com/2019/02/08/mind-over-matter-the-power-of-acoustic-levitation/ Fri, 08 Feb 2019 14:56:32 +0000 https://www.trustnomore.com/?p=1434 Ancient megaliths like Stonehenge and The Great Pyramids of Egypt are visited by millions of tourists every year, but little is known about how they were created. Some claim that these structures were built with mechanical ramps or water shafts. Evidence to the contrary, however, reveals supernatural or highly-advanced technological methods behind the design and construction of these grand architectural marvels! Acoustic levitation, seemingly magical in nature given the timeframe in which such power would have been put to use, is being rebranded in our modern age as a new scientific discovery.


With such an incredible power at our fingertips (whether by man or machine): Why do we not see more uses of sonic powers today? Why is this power still being worked on by scientists who do not fully understand its potential and rely on complex machines to emulate the strength of the ancients? How is this not more commonly available?

Simple: We may not have have learned of acoustic levitation on our own. Extraterrestrials may be the original engineers behind structures like the pyramids of Egypt and could have passed their skills onto their slave workforce, if our sources are correct. If aliens have visited Earth before: Will they return? Scientists are continuing to experiment with acoustic levitation and tractor beams, leading us towards more common usage of levitation in our daily lives. If we master levitation, could the mass-production of green vehicles using similar methods be next?

Recapturing this long-lost technology may prepare us for the return of the true creators of the “man-made” marvels we enjoy today. We can only hope their intentions will be pure; should they choose to act as mentors to our race once again.

Blood Moon: A Heavenly Body Abused https://www.trustnomore.com/2019/01/26/blood-moon-a-heavenly-body-abused/ Sat, 26 Jan 2019 19:25:25 +0000 https://www.trustnomore.com/?p=1351 If you looked outside into the dark void on this past Sunday night, you would have seen what the mainstream media likes to call a “Super Blood Moon”. You might have noticed, while gazing on this supposedly beautiful celestial object in our sky, that it wasn’t quite as magical as you were told it would be. It was exactly as visually wonderful as you expected, but something was off. Why was that?

Well, we wouldn’t be talking about it on Trust No More if nothing was wrong with how it was being represented.

This is why we need to stay on our toes and be sceptical about what those at the top of society tell us! They dismiss biblical prophecy about the moon as nonsense through careful phrasing, while turning such an important spiritual and historical event into a mindless moment of enthrallment for the masses to enjoy as pure secular fun.

Those under the Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn signs should take note of changes in their lives that correspond with this heavenly milestone. Ignore the frivolous reports from the media. Use this occasion as a moment of spiritual awakening. Take back your own inner power. The media can’t take that from you.

Trust no one but yourself.
